Meet Dr. Jen
Aesthetic Medicine Physician
Born with both a passion for the arts and sciences, Dr. Armstrong is naturally gifted in the field of aesthetic medicine. Dr. Jen enjoys helping her patients achieve their aesthetic goals through the use of injectables, lasers, threads, and many other non-surgical treatments.

Home of celebrity Dr. Jen, ArmstrongMD offers natural-looking aesthetics to help everyone be their best self!

Dr. Armstrong graduated with a 4.0 GPA from Georgetown University where she earned her Master’s in Biophysics and Physiology. Her studies specialized in the area of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Following her master’s degree, Dr. Armstrong furthered her education on scholarship for her academic achievements with a Doctorate of Medicine from the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii and attended a residency program at University of California, Los Angeles. A prolific researcher at heart, Dr. Armstrong has published over 20 academic articles, written chapters of books on dermatology, and received grants for original research. Dr. Armstrong has also pioneered programs for homeless children and has donated her time to underserved patients.
Fellowship Aesthetic Medicine
American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine ~ Graduated
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center ~Torrance, CA
Residency Accomplishments:
- BLS and ACLS-certified
- Committee of Interns and Residents – Union Delegate
- Assistant Lab Director – Mohs Dermatopathology
- Regional Posters and Abstracts
- Patient Quality Improvement Projects
- Dermatology – Massachusetts General Hospital ~ Evaluation: Double Honors
- Dermatology – University California- Irvine ~ Evaluation: Honors
- Dermatology – University of Southern California ~ Evaluation: Honors
- Psychiatry – McLean Hospital-Harvard University ~ Evaluation: Double Honors
- Psychiatry – Queens Hospital-University of Hawaii ~ Evaluation: Honors
- Interventional Radiology – Kaiser Hospital-University of Hawaii ~ Evaluation: Honors
- Emergency Medicine – Queens Hospital-University of Hawaii ~ Evaluation: Honors
- Emergency Medicine – University California- Irvine ~ Evaluation: Honors, top 10% of students
- Reproductive Endocrinology – Queens Hospital-University of Hawaii ~ Evaluation: Honors
John A. Burns School of Medicine
University of Hawaii ~ Honolulu, HI
Doctorate, Medicine
USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3 completed
Georgetown University Graduate School ~ Washington, DC
Master’s Degree in Physiology and Biophysics. Specialization in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Graduate School Thesis: Bisphosphonates and Fractures
- Institution GPA: 4.00
Concordia University ~ Irvine, California
Academic Accomplishments:
- Academic Commendation, Fall 2001 and Fall 2003
- Dean’s List, Spring 2003, Fall 2004
- Science Tutor for Concordia University
- Institution GPA: 3.75
July 2018 – Current
President & CEO: Jennifer Armstrong, MD
Newport Beach, CA
July 2016 – Current
President & CEO: Advanced Skincare Surgery and Med Center
Fullerton and Newport Beach, CA
ASC Med Center has been serving the medical needs of the community for 37 years. After serving as an adviser on the board of directors, I was honored to be in a leadership position growing the revenue in one and a half years.
July 2017 – 2018
Medical Director: Synergy Med
Newport Beach, CA
Practicing physician and supervising physician for primary care patients.
July 2016 – Current
Urgent Care of Newport Beach ~ Newport Beach, CA
Practicing physician and supervising physician for primary care patients.
July 2014 – 2016
President: Skin Cancer Rx. ~ Newport Beach, CA
Skin Cancer Rx is a stand-alone radiation center that provides advanced, non-surgical treatment options for skin cancer.
Nov. 2013- July 2016
President, Managing Member
OC Brachytherapy, LLC/Photon Finance, LLC. ~ Newport Beach, CA
OC Brachytherapy builds medical facilities and offers local physicians a unique opportunity to lease those facilities in order to treat their patients. Our company builds patient-focused facilities using the most cutting-edge technologies available in the market today. We provide advanced, non-surgical treatment options for skin cancer by building and staffing a skin cancer center of excellence. Affiliations with leading medical experts help us continually identify new technologies. We then provide physicians the ability to treat their patients before with this technology before becoming widely available.
May 2013- Dec 2018
President, Managing Member Pacific Coast Medical Group, LLC. Newport Beach, CA
Honolulu, HI
The Pacific Coast Medical Group helps people understand medicine. We review medical records, research medical journals, and educate legal practices on our findings with the goal to cut down on frivolous lawsuits. Our company has teams of physicians in the following specialties: Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Critical Care, OB/GYN, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, and Emergency Medicine. Our work focuses on quality care. It is educational; we are constantly learning and educating others. PCMG provides medical education to attorneys only and does not diagnose, treat, or give advice to patients.
Jan 2006-current
Peer Reviewer
- SPIE: Optical Engineering
SPIE is an international society for optics and photonics.
- Journal of Pediatrics
- The Medical Journal of Australia
- Journal of Disease and Global Health
- Journal of General Internal Medicine
I was honored when the following journals invited me to peer review their medical journals.
Aug 2005 –April 2012
Research Associate II
Beckman Laser Institute
University of California Medical Center ~ Irvine, CA
While at Beckman Laser Institute I worked with J. Stewart Nelson, M.D. Ph.D., and Kristen Kelly, M.D. in laser technology and dermatology. In both cases, our focus was on port wine stain removal. With Dr. Nelson, I worked on an optical clearing agent, which allowed deeper penetration of the laser while decreasing burning and scarring, and our research involved both human and animal subjects. With Dr. Kelly, we worked on port wine stain removal using photothermolysis and imiquimod on human subjects.
Sep 2003 – Aug 2005
Research Associate
Beckman Laser Institute
University of California Medical Center~ Irvine, CA
Prior to working with port-wine stain removal, I worked in Critical Care and Pulmonology Medicine with Matthew Brenner, M.D. There I helped write grants, leading a cyanide study in which we used laser technology known as Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy to measure deoxygenated hemoglobin in animal models after cyanide exposure. The goal of the study was to have the ability to assess deoxygenated hemoglobin in real-time for assessment of mass casualty. I presented this research at multiple regional and national conferences where I was awarded the International Award for Best Research Presentation in Critical Care. Our lab was also awarded Best Young Investigators by the American College of Chest Physician’s Scientific Presentations and Awards Committee. With Dr. Brenner, we also worked with thoracoscopic optical coherence tomography, imaging pleural tumors in both animal and human subjects. I learned surgical procedures such as intubation, ABG draws, and femoral and central line placement.
Jan 2007-2008
Assistant Professor
Concordia University ~ Irvine, CA
After receiving my graduate degree from Georgetown, I was granted a position as Assistant Professor of Physiology. As Assistant Professor, I conducted both lecture and laboratory for multiple classes while mentoring students one-on-one. As an undergraduate, prior to Graduate School, I worked as a teacher’s assistant. As the assistant, I established a tutoring class for students having academic difficulties in the course.
Jan. 2006-2008
Kaplan Test-Prep~ Irvine, CA
MCAT preparation classes. Courses taught included: Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Cell/Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Physiology, Writing, Logic and Critical Thinking. As an instructor, I also had the privilege of providing private tutoring in all subjects to budding medical students.
Sep 2002 – May 2003
Lab Technician
Rowland-Blake Research Group
Irvine, CA
I worked at the International Atmospheric Chemistry Research Laboratory under the direct supervision of Nobel laureate F. Sherwood Rollin, Ph.D., and Donald Blake, Ph.D. We detected regional and global atmospheric changes by analyzing whole air samples through gas chromatography, electron capture detection, and mass spectrometry for agencies including NASA, The National Science Foundation, and The U.S. Department of Energy. I assisted in administering tests and collecting samples from human subjects.
March 1994-1995
International English
Sponsored by the Peace Corps, I went through a training program through Fountain Valley School to learn the language and culture of Nepal and Tanzania in order to teach English to underprivileged youth. While there for a year, I lived with local families and immersed myself in their everyday lives. I was a member of a team who took part in building their schools and restoring their villages.
Chair and Founder, FHG Foundation
I serve as the Director for the FHG Armstrong Foundation. We developed this foundation to serve the needs of others in the US and around the world. We focus on education, underserved development, and medical research. We have financially assisted in scholarships for underserved high school students in the United States, aid in Israel, and funding to multiple academic institutions and hospitals.
Executive Consultant, World Skin Cancer Foundation
The World Skin Cancer Foundation is a not-for-profit group that was founded in 2005 in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Its goal is to educate the public regarding unprotected sun exposure and skin cancer. I launched the West Coast Division of the foundation in Irvine, CA, serving as an Executive Consultant. My responsibilities included organizing surf competitions with professional surfers and managing skin cancer screenings. We sought to establish awareness of the organization and its mission while providing services to the community. Other sponsored events include soccer games, skateboard exhibitions, and charity softball games. Most events offer free skin cancer screenings, which is the primary function of the WSCF. WSCF seeks to educate the youth. Educational programs were incorporated into schools’ curriculums in an effort to teach about sun damage and change our culture’s views of tanning.
Founder, Ke ola pono o na keiki
“Ke ola pono o na keiki” translates from the Hawaiian language to “The Children Who Live Good Lives.” I founded this fitness program after solely applying for and receiving a grant from Aloha Care. Its purpose is to help prevent the increasing rise in childhood obesity and build comradery among the homeless population. We designed sports teams and provided the equipment for the children. A group of us would coach all of the teams twice a week. The kids thrived in the program and it was a joy to see their confidence build over the years. The program was designed to pass responsibilities on to the next medical class, with the goal of each incoming class perpetuating the program. Ke ola pono o na keiki was featured in Aloha Care Magazine as the cover story in April 2009.
Hawaii Homeless Outreach and Medical Education (H.O.M.E.)
Hawaii Homeless Outreach and Medical Education (H.O.M.E.) Project is a John A. Burns School of Medicine student-run free medical clinic, staffed by volunteers. I volunteered at free medical clinics in homeless shelters around Oahu. The mission of the Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project is to provide health care for Hawaii’s homeless while educating students. The program provided students the experience to help understand the healthcare needs of the homeless.
Share Our Selves Free Medical Clinic ~ Costa Mesa, CA
I volunteered at a free clinic in Costa Mesa where I provided patient data analysis, processing, and design. I monitored patient vitals while triaging them. I also calculated prescription costs while creating new billing charts, as well as training new volunteers.
SEUI Healthcare Committee of Interns and Residents
CIR Patient Care Fund Representative
I was honored to be voted into being the CIR representative. The Patient Care Fund was started for L.A. County residents to address the needs of their patients as the residents see fit. It is a wonderful opportunity to way to serve the unmet needs of our patients. After submitting for and petitioning to the committee, the pathology department was granted 5 laboratory devices totally over $200,000.00, which will help serve the needs of almost every department in the hospital.
- Organized Red Cross 9-11 fundraiser, Laguna Beach CA
- Miricle for Kids 360° Miracle Circle, 2020
- Marquis Who’s Who in America Distinguished Humanitarian 2020.
- Marquis Who’s Who in America Publication Board 2019 and 2020.
- Top Doctor Aesthetic Medicine in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
- Nominated, Excellence In Entrepreneurship Awards, Orange County Business Journal, Orange County, CA.
- First Place Outstanding Presentation, Best Clinical Vignette. Society of General Internal Medicine. California Regional Meeting, University of California, Irvine. 2009.
- International Award for Best Research in Critical Care, American College of Chest Physician’s Scientific Presentations and Awards Committee
- First Place for Laser Technology by the ACCM (American College of Chest Medicine)
- Best Young Investigators, American College of Chest Physician’s Scientific Presentations and Awards Committee
- National Honor Society in Psychology, Psi Chi
- National Dean’s List Undergraduate Honor Society
- The Chancellor’s List Graduate Honor Society
- Awarded first place in Wyoming state art competition-ceramic
- Awarded third place in Wyoming state art competition-sculpture
- Awarded expert in horsemanship by the State of Utah
Grant: Aloha Care, 2008 – Sole Author
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Armstrong JA. (2016, March). Decreased Frozen Section Turn Around Time Increases Patient Quality of Care. Abstract at: Leadership Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Armstrong JA. (2016, March). Increase Autopsy Rate Increases Patient Quality Care. Abstract at: Leadership Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Armstrong JA, Lee J, Duke A, Beydoun H, Kreuter K, Brenner M, Tromberg B. Non-invasive Monitoring of Cyanide Toxicity Using Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy in Rabbit Model. CHEST. 2004 Nov; 126(4): 874.
Armstrong JA, Matheny E, Kreuter K, Hanna N, Chen Z, Guo S, Mukai D, Mahon S, Brenner M. In-vivo High-Resolution Thoracoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Induced Pleural Tumors. The Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2005 Jan; 53(1): 196.
Armstrong JA, Matheny E, Kreuter K, Chen Z, Guo S, Mahon S, Brenner, M. In-vivo High-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Pleural Tumors. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine-Supplement. 2005 May; p(A): 540.
Armstrong, JA. 6000 Years of Urinalysis in Western Europe: A brief history. Kidney International. 2006 Mar; 71(5): 384-387. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 17191081.
Louie A, Armstrong JA, Findeiss LK, Goodwin SC. Comparison of Sexual Dysfunction using the Female Sexual Function Index Following Surgical Treatments for Uterine Fibroids. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. vol. 2012, Article ID 368136, 6 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/368136
Tremaine AM, Armstrong JA, Huang YC, Elkeeb L, Ortiz A, Choi B, Kelly, K. Enhanced Port Wine Stain Flow Reduction Achieved with Combined Treatment of Selective Photothermolysis and Imiquimod. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2012 April. Vol. 66, Issue 4, Pages 634-641. PMID: 22244840
Chun SC, Armstrong JA, Pang DK, Lau JM, and Shohet RV. Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysms in a Japanese Octogenarian: The Oldest Case of Kawasaki Disease? Journal of Cardiology Cases. 2010 Apr; 1(2): e80-e83. 1878-5409.
Kreuter K, Armstrong JA, Tromberg B, Mahon S, Mukai D, Brenner, M. Non-Invasive Detection of Cyanide Toxicity and Treatment Using Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2005 May; p(A): 667.
Kreuter K, Armstrong JA, Tromberg B, Mahon S, Mukai D, Brenner, M. Non-Invasive Detection of Cyanide Toxicity and Treatment Using Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2005 Jan; 53(1): 200.
Lee JW, Armstrong JA, Kreuter KA, Tromberg BJ, and Brenner, M. Non-invasive in-vivo Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy Monitoring of Cyanide Poisoning in a Rabbit Model. Physiologic Measurement. 2009 Sep; 28(9): 1057-1066. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 17827653.
Parsa D, Murariu D, Parsa A, Siah M, Armstrong J. Is Traditional Lower Blepharoplasty a Superior Technique? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Jun; 129(6):1001e-1002e. PMID: 22634667
Saltzman D, Carson J, Chang J, Abolhoda A, Newman R, Armstrong J, Milliken J. Postoperative Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Following Open Heart Surgery. CHEST. 2006 Oct; 130(4): 189.
Waddington T, Brenner M, Colt H, Guo S, Chen Z, Armstrong J. Human Bronchoscopy with High-Resolution Imaging. CHEST. 2004 Oct; 126(4): 708.
Waddington T, Brenner M, Colt H, Guo S, Chen Z, Armstrong J. Bronchoscopy with High-Resolution OCT Imaging and Autofluorescence Bronchoscopy. CHEST. 2004 Nov; 126(4): 708.
Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Yonover. (Jan. 2019) Hardcore Health: Live Young. Beacon Publishing Group, New York, NY.
Zarrabi G, Armstrong J, and Paydar K. (2009, September 1). In Thaller SR, ed: Plastic Surgery Hyperguide. Vindico Medical Education. Head and Neck Module: Chapter: Lesions of the Skin: Benign and Malignant: Basal Cell/Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Armstrong JA. (2016, March). Decreased Frozen Section Turn Around Time Increases Patient Quality of Care. Poster presented at Leadership Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Armstrong JA. (2016, March). Increase Autopsy Rate Increases Patient Quality Care. Poster presented at Leadership Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Armstrong JA, Lee JW, Duke A, Beydoun H, Krueter K, Brenner M, Tromberg BJ. (2004, November). Non-invasive Monitoring of Cyanide Toxicity Using Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy in Rabbit Model. Poster presented at American College of CHEST Physicians International Meeting; Seattle, WA.
Chun SG, Armstrong JA (Presenter), Pang DK, Shohethas RV. (2009, May). Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysms in a Japanese Octogenarian – The Oldest Case of Kawasaki Disease? Poster presented at Society of General Internal Medicine; Irvine, CA.
Kreuter K, Armstrong JA, Tromberg B, Mahon S, Mukai D, Brenner, M. (2005, May). Non-Invasive Detection of Cyanide Toxicity and Treatment Using Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy. Poster presented at American Thoracic Society International Conference; San Diego, CA.
Kreuter K, Armstrong JA, Tromberg B, Mahon S, Mukai D, Brenner, M. (2005, January). Non-Invasive Detection of Cyanide Toxicity and Treatment Using Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy. Poster presented at American Federation for Medical Research; CA.
Tremaine, AM, Armstrong JA, Huang YC, Elkeeb L, Ortiz A, Choi B, Kelly K. (2009, April). Combined Therapy For Enhanced Microvascular Destruction In Port Wine Stains: Pulsed Dye Laser Photothermolysis And Imiquimod. Poster presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery; National Harbor, MD.
Armstrong JA, Matheny E, Kreuter K, Hanna N, Chen Z, Guo S, Mukai D, Mahon S, Brenner M. (2005, January). In-vivo High-Resolution Thoracoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Induced Pleural Tumors. Oral Presentation presented at American Federation for Medical Research; Carmel, CA.
Armstrong JA, Matheny E, Kreuter K, Chen Z, Guo S, Mahon S, Brenner, M. (2005, May). In-vivo High-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Pleural Tumors. Oral Presentation presented at American Thoracic Society; San Diego, CA.
Armstrong, JA. (2011). Lupus Pernio. Oral Presentation presented at University of Southern California Grand Rounds; Los Angeles, CA.
Armstrong, JA. (2011). Calciphylaxis. Oral Presentation presented at Massachusetts General Hospital Dermatology Grand Rounds; Boston, MA.
Armstrong, JA. (2011). Pyoderma Gangrenosum. Oral Presentation presented at University of California Irvine Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds; Orange, CA.
Armstrong, JA. (2011). Vohwinkel Syndrome vs. KID Syndrome. Oral Presentation presented at University of California Irvine Dermatology Grand Rounds; Irvine, CA.
Personalized Care
State-of-the-Art Technology
Celebrity Doctor
Led by Dr. Jen Armstrong, a renowned expert in aesthetic medicine, you are in capable hands.

Non-Invasive • Drug-Free • Emsella Chair
Dr. Jennifer Armstrong looks at the entire person when treating patients in order to help them achieve balance throughout their body. When our body is in balance, our life is in balance. At our state-of-the-art facility, we offer alternative, non-invasive treatments for hormone balance, migraines, depression, anxiety, and other health conditions to help patients be their best self.
Botox Cosmetic • Dermal Fillers • Lasers • Skincare
At ArmstrongMD, beauty is never one-size-fits-all. We offer a complete range of injectable and laser devices, as well as medical-grade skincare, to enhance your natural beauty and help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the latest treatments in cosmetic dermatology.
EmSculpt Neo • Brazilian Butt Lift • Hair Restoration
Dr. Armstrong is a trained aesthetic medicine specialist and surgeon who performs all types of body contouring and sculpting treatments, including the non-surgical Brazilian butt lift, deoxycholic acid fat loss, and EMSCULPT NEO muscle-building and fat-reduction treatments.
Non-Invasive • Drug-Free • Emsella Chair
Dr. Jennifer Armstrong looks at the entire person when treating patients in order to help them achieve balance throughout their body. When our body is in balance, our life is in balance. At our state-of-the-art facility, we offer alternative, non-invasive treatments for hormone balance, migraines, depression, anxiety, and other health conditions to help patients be their best self.
Non-Invasive • Drug-Free • Fast Relief
Dr. Jennifer Armstrong looks at the entire person when treating patients in order to help them achieve balance throughout their body. When our body is in balance, our life is in balance. At our state-of-the-art facility, we offer alternative, non-invasive treatments for hormone balance, migraines, depression, anxiety, and other health conditions to help patients be their best self.
Botox Cosmetic • Dermal Fillers • Lasers • Skincare
At ArmstrongMD, beauty is never one-size-fits-all. We offer a complete range of injectable and laser devices, as well as medical-grade skincare, to enhance your natural beauty and help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the latest treatments in cosmetic dermatology.
Botox Cosmetic • Dermal Fillers • Lasers • Skincare
At ArmstrongMD, beauty is never one-size-fits-all. We offer a complete range of injectable and laser devices, as well as medical-grade skincare, to enhance your natural beauty and help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the latest treatments in cosmetic dermatology.
EmSculpt Neo • Brazilian Butt Lift • Hair Restoration
Dr. Armstrong is a trained aesthetic medicine specialist and surgeon who performs all types of body contouring and sculpting treatments, including the non-surgical Brazilian butt lift, deoxycholic acid fat loss, and EMSCULPT NEO muscle-building and fat-reduction treatments.
EmSculpt Neo • Brazilian Butt Lift • Hair Restoration
Dr. Armstrong is a trained aesthetic medicine specialist and surgeon who performs all types of body contouring and sculpting treatments, including the non-surgical Brazilian butt lift, deoxycholic acid fat loss, and EMSCULPT NEO muscle-building and fat-reduction treatments.
Get Glowing with LaseMD at Armstrong MD
Armstrong MD offers cutting-edge, non-invasive treatments to help you look and feel your best. With LaseMD, you can achieve a radiant, youthful complexion with minimal downtime. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!